Toward sustainable batteries based on silicon, sulfur and biomass-derived carbon

2BoSS is a three year project within the framework of the ERA-MIN call, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
The project is organized around seven work packages, each of which has clearly defined objectives as well as specific tasks and deliverables in support of the overall project goal:

WP1. Biomass-derived carbon and cathode assembly
A Si-Li2S battery technology
Design a cobalt-free Li2S-based cathode and a graphite-free silicon-based anode.
Li2S carbon composites
Explore organic waste sources and use the composites at the cathode and anode as current collector.
No metal additives
Eliminate the use of metal-based cathodes and metallic current collectors.

WP2. Silicon anode development
Composite development
Produce silicon nanowire-carbon composites based on silicon and waste-sourced carbon.
Increase capacity, improve cycling perfomrance and enhance materials efficiency.
Of the anode material production for pouch cell fabrication.

WP3. Battery assembly and validation
Of electrodes, components and activation processes at full-cell level.
Of main degradation mechanisms for the new 2BoSS cell chemistry.
Assembly & validation
Demonstrate specific energies, power an capacity retention.

WP4. Battery recycling
Easier recycling
Design of a hydrometallurgical route for recycling the batteries.
No metal additives
Reduction of energy and toxic resources due to the low metal content.
Lixiviation strategies
Properly separate and regenerate the battery key elements
WP5. Life cycle and environmental assessment
Inventory datasets
Develop original inventory datasets of the battery components and improve the Life Cycle Inventory datasets.
Meaningful indicators
Provide key environmental and resource-use performance indicators.
Impact reduction
Minimise social and environmental impacts through more responsible sourcing.

WP6. Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
Communication & Dissemination
Ensure high visibility, accesibility and promotion of the project and its results.
Organise activities to make use of research results and involve stakeholders.
Business modeling
Exploration of opportunities for business uptake and development of new business practices.

WP7. Project management
Ensure efficienct information transfer and project coordination.
Cover the procedures for data management and set up of legal, financial and contractual aspects.
Data management policy
Develop open research Data Management and IPR management.